Feedback from 2025 Conference 

We would love to hear back from you on your experience of our 2025 Ministers' & Leaders' Conference

Please note that if you are logged into our website we will be able to see your user name. If you wish to remain anonymous please ensure you are logged out. By completing this survey you are consenting for SEBA to use your data for the purposes described. See Privacy Notice for more information about how we use your data.
The information you provide will only be used by SEBA for the purpose of reviewing the 2025 conference and planning for future conferences.

The booking process 

Please rate from 0-10 (with 10 being excellent and 0 being very poor)

Information about the content and purpose of the conference (before booking)
The booking process
The information received immediately after booking
Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve the booking process? (please detail below)

The accommodation and facilities

Please rate from 0-10 (with 10 being excellent and 0 being very poor)

Finding the venue
Did you stay overnight
(if you stayed overnight, please rate)
Your room
Do you have any comments about the venue? (please detail below)

The conference programme

Please rate from 0-10 (with 10 being excellent and 0 being very poor)

The worship
The speakers :  Lisa Kerry
  James Bushnell
Social opportunities


How likely is it that you would recommend SEBA Ministers and Leaders Conference to a friend or colleague? Please rate between 0 (not at all likely) and 10 (extremely likely)
Do you feel the conference was good value for money?
Are there any other comments you would like to make about the conference? (please detail below)

It is often useful to know where feedback has come from, so please consider providing your details below (this is optional).
We really hope you had a great experience but if you didn’t we would really like to be able to chat to you and see how we can put things right, we can only do this with your permission.