News from our Sector Ministers  


Revd Diane Watts
Faith and Society Team Leader

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to share a little of what we are hearing and noticing nationally. The Faith and Society Team get to see snippets of what God is doing across our Baptist movement.  We know there is so much more than we hear, but I hope by sharing a few ways God is working through our Baptist movement you are encouraged. 

It is noticeable that churches are seeing more baptisms – praise God! 
Many churches are seeing baptisms and it is clear there is a hunger for God and a desire to know more.  Churches that haven’t seen baptisms for a while have opened up the baptistry and are walking with new disciples.  It is often in our weakness that God is the strength.
The other thing we are noticing is that baptisms span all generations, young and old.  We have heard a number of stories of young people wandering into churches, seeking to know more and being led through the waters of baptism.
The next Baptists Together magazine will be dedicated to Baptism and the team is already busy working to get this published in April – look out for your copy!
Please pray for all our churches as they are seek to be open to the move of God’s Holy Spirit and pray for all those who have been baptised recently.
The work of Baptist chaplains in a range of settings is so important up and down the country.  Military chaplains, hospital chaplains, prison chaplains, community chaplains and other forms of chaplaincy are walking with people, bringing something of God’s love and peace, often at times of crisis.   We have heard many stories of people coming to faith through the amazing work of our Baptist chaplains.
Please pray for all our chaplains as they step into the various places where God has called.
We are hearing the many ways in which our Baptist movement is being present in community, sharing and embodying God’s love. Baptists are steeped in community, embedded in the context into which we have been called and placed by God and we are keen to listen and learn from each other.
The 'Everyone Everywhere' initiative is helping to encourage local and contextual mission. 
As part of a three year initiative on mission, this year’s Assembly is working closely with BMS to bring global insights into our local contexts. We’d love to see you in West Bromwich as together we learn from each and as a Baptist movement we come together and discern what God might be saying to us about mission in Britain today.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain : The Baptist Assembly
Please pray for the planning of Assembly and for our Baptist movement as we are united Mission.
All we have heard is underpinned with prayer and this year, Lynn Green our General Secretary, has called us to be a people in prayer.  As well as various prayer events, the week of 23-30 March 2025 is being highlighted as a week of prayer and it would be great if as many of our churches as possible could be praying as they gather throughout that week. I am excited about what our gracious God might do among us.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Praying Together 2025
Please pray with us:
Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the clouds.   Psalm 36:5