News from our Sector Ministers  


Rev Dr David HowlingDavid Howling

Servants Afloat and Senior Waterways Chaplain

For many years the inland waterways of the United Kingdom have been ably served by waterways chaplains. I believe that there is a need for a similar type of ministry to look after the wellbeing of those who frequent our coastal waterways. Places like Chichester Harbour where almost a quarter of all of the leisure boats that frequent the waters of the Solent are based. It’s estimated that 25,000 people visit Chichester Harbour every year to go yacht racing, cruising, fishing or just simply mess about in a boat.

An increasing number of people are turning to Britain’s waterways in search of a cheaper place to live. Whilst living on a boat might be a financially attractive alternative to owning/renting a house or apartment, it’s not always an idyllic experience. Writing for the Guardian, Sam Forbes described what life was like for someone who lived on a barge. “Everything takes longer, and requires more work to do: fetching water from a mile downstream, lugging your clothes two miles to the launderette, boiling kettles to wash up and buying perishables every day because you have no refrigerator. You're always cold in the winter and rarely completely clean. Basic survival becomes exhausting.” Facilities for boaters are few and far between and yet boaters are resilient and a close knit community.

Servants Afloat is a pioneering ministry where chaplaincy and incarnational ministry meet. We seek to serve the people who frequent the marinas, anchorages, and boatyards of Chichester Harbour. Our aim is to share God’s word with fellow boaters through what Henri Newen calls ‘the ministry of presence'.

The model that we are using is that of Waterways Chaplaincy (WWC), which is a network of volunteers from local churches who regularly visit the waterways, offering a listening ear, support and encouragement to whoever they meet.

If you would like to know more about The Waterways Chaplaincy and Servants Afloat, please feel free to contact me. I’m based in West Sussex but I’m always happy to travel and would be delighted to share with you some of the exciting things that God is doing through The WWC and Servants Afloat. 

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19
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