Latest news from the Bread of Life project
Update - Christmas 2024
2024 has been a year of growth for Bread of Life. Footfall in the coffee shop is still incredibly unpredictable, but overall we are certainly getting busier. This is encouraging for many reasons: First and foremost it means we are impacting a larger section of the local community; We are hosting more groups and community activities; With increased takings we are ahead of schedule compared to budget.
A few highlights of the year include:
One customer asked for a Bible at the beginning of the year as they had never read it. She was determined to start at the first page. I feared she would get bogged down in Leviticus, but she is now in Daniel. As a result of the questions she was asking about what she was reading, we have now started a small group on a Thursday afternoon (simply entitled “Question Time”) at which we have experienced some great conversations with a number of customers.
We have hosted some special events including baking experiences for Cubs, Beavers and Squirrels and a Bake Off event for members of a local running club, which have been fruitful opportunities to build links into the community and have even yielded a couple of new volunteers.
I have had the privilege of conducting 2 funerals for customers. In one case, the family of the deceased (a 41 year old man with 3 young sons), had no church contacts. Needless to say, it was an extremely traumatic experience for the family. Were it not for Bread of Life, they would not have heard anything of the comfort and hope that God offers.
I thoroughly enjoy the courses and workshops I teach – including breadmaking, Danish pastries, and stollen (at this time of year). One lady who attended a Danish pastry course lives in a home for people with severe mental health issues. At one point I commented on how well she had made a raspberry Danish (they really are tricky and she had done it superbly). She was overwhelmed and replied that she couldn’t remember anyone ever complimenting her before. In some ways it was a small thing (for me), but humbling to see what a huge difference it made to her. Courses often provide opportunities for people to gain confidence and flourish, which is very rewarding.
Among the groups now taking place regularly, we host a community litter pick, a (gentle) lunchtime quiz and a surgery for our local ward councillors. All of these have provided excellent opportunities to serve in various ways.
I am currently planning our first baptism at Bread of Life. One of our volunteers came to faith during the year. We have played a small part in their story as they have had contact with at least 3 churches during this time. It is really encouraging that they want to take the step of baptism with us and will be a wonderful opportunity for members of our wider community to hear what God has done.
There have been challenges. Twice in the last 12 months I have broken bones. On Christmas Eve I broke my left arm (whilst ice skating in Central Park, New York!) and in June I broke my right arm and little finger whilst cycling in Pembrokeshire. As you can imagine, these events presented huge challenges to baking and with general running of the project.
Generally, I have been spinning plates – doing many hours and filling numerous roles. As we continue to grow, there is a clear need to grow the team, to ensure the sustainability of the project going forward. Our priority in prayer as we enter the New Year, is for the appointment of new directors who can shoulder some of the responsibility, freeing myself to focus on the primary, missional purpose of Bread of Life.
Revd John Western
August 2024 update
Bread of Life opened its doors on Saturday November 12th 2022. The opening was a busy and joyous occasion with standing room only
At times, the journey to this point appeared very tortuous and possibly unending, but God was faithful in providing for many needs and overcoming numerous obstacles. Bread of Life is now a wonderful resource.
In the early weeks of operation, there has been lots to do, such as developing efficient ways of working, training the wonderful team of volunteers and beginning to make links into the community.
Initially, it has been very much a case of small steps, but there have been some encouraging conversations about faith and some initial links with the community, e.g. with 2 local primary schools, the GP surgery opposite, the local ward councillor and one young mum who is keen to establish a support group for young adults struggling with their mental health. 
The initial Bread of Life course has attracted a good number of participants and further courses (from one to six sessions) are planned throughout the year.
Currently, regular opening hours are 9am-5pm (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) and 5:30-8pm Thursday. Do pop in and see what we are doing if you are in the area.
For more information please contact John direct.