Towards the end of last year we merged with Green Fields Baptist Church, the two churches becoming one church in two buildings. It was an end and a beginning. After the school half term in February a new ministry will begin at Green Fields: a drop in Parent and Toddler Group called Refresh. It will challenge us. We will be in a new season, full of possibility.
We have thanked God for the past and what has brought us to this point. Please pray we will know His presence as we walk into the new season as a new church.
North Kent network
Ebbsfleet Baptist Church
‘Thank you for supporting our family as we learn how to follow Jesus!’ This was a note included in a Christmas card from one of the families who have joined us in the last 12 months.
We continue to be encouraged by the growing numbers of families who join us week by week for our Sunday Active events.
We have just celebrated 7 years of Sunday Active. The community centre where we meet is quite spacious, but we are running out of tables and chairs for everyone who comes along! More homes continue to be built in the area!
This January we launched a new couch to 5km group, whilst continuing to run the regular Ebbsfleet Community Runners sessions twice a week. Both groups are very supportive and proving a great way for those involved to build new friendships.
Towards the second part of last year, we trialed an afternoon / evening service. This year, we have named this ‘Space to Be’, an hour of reflective music, songs, hymns, Bible readings, poems, video clips and quiet reflection. Those without children have particularly appreciated this time. We intend to develop a team to lead it, so that we can meet twice a month after Easter.
Whilst we are very encouraged, we still face challenges and would appreciate your praying with us.
Please give thanks for:
The growing number of families who connect with us in various ways.
Those who are growing in their faith.
Please pray
For God’s provision - both financially (as we rely on gifts from 3 churches and a handful of church members) and for a growing team to lead the various groups.
For leaders for the growing number of pre-teens so that we can cater for them.
That this year we will celebrate some baptisms!
North Downs network
Heathervale Baptist Church

There have been more opportunities for outreach over this last year. We continue to host ‘Let’s Do Lunch’ during the school holidays, either once or twice a week. These are very much appreciated by the community and we have seen a few people coming along to other groups or services from those contacts.
We held one Alpha Course last year which started well and, for those who did see the course through, we pray that they will grow in faith.
Our Family and Community Evangelist, Marc, and teams have had several opportunities to be involved in various school activities, mainly in the local Junior School and some of those children are coming along to other groups and events in the church too.
For a while now the church has focused on developing our own spiritual lives, sharing our faith with non-believers, etc. and praying that the Lord would bring in new people, including families to be part of this fellowship. We rejoice that now we are regularly seeing new people coming along and our children’s & young people's groups are growing.
That we would continue to see more new families attending church and lives changed as they come to know Jesus as their Saviour.
As more groups (for all ages) develop, that there may be more group leaders joining the teams including some younger leaders.
For all those who attend church groups, that they would grow in their faith and be able to share their faith with others.
That we will continue to grow spiritually and work together towards our Mission Statement:
'Helping people to make a journey to know and to love Jesus'
Mid Sussex network
Holland Road Baptist Church
Matt 9:37-38 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field.”
As I write this we are just starting the crazy and joyful mission that is running our half term holiday club - with over 100 children attending and an amazing team of youth and adult volunteers we are praying that God would be powerfully working in the children and their families.
Like many of you we are seeking to engage our community with the good news of Jesus in various ways: CAP continues to be a vital ministry, and our lunch club serves many lonely, isolated, and homeless people in desperate need of community and love in our city of Brighton. Encouragingly our street evangelism is seeing some wonderful connections with people joining Alpha and attending Sundays just through simple conversations on the streets. Please join us in praying for more people to come to know Jesus!
East Kent network
Minster Road Baptist Church
We are grateful to God for his faithfulness to us and have been blessed in recent months with two people sensing a call to ministry. We are excited to see God’s hand at work in their lives. Theresa Sheridan has been strengthening links with the local primary school and more recently the new secondary school on the Island and will be attending MRC (February 2025). Alyson Rogan serves in many ways including offering church services which are broadcast by the local radio station, support in a local care home and will commence hospital chaplaincy training later this year. Both are attending Spurgeon’s College.
The church community continues to meet online and in person for Sunday services and we have had a number of new people come who have moved into the area, including a family who are seeking God. We are looking forward to a baptismal service at Easter and have welcomed several people into membership which has been an encouragement.
We run a weekly Renew space on a Saturday morning which has gone from strength to strength and recently twenty people enjoyed a meal out to celebrate a birthday! It has been good to gather to pray during the morning and there have been many conversations around faith. A number of regulars who are not Christian are beginning to ask for prayer for their families which God is answering.