Safeguarding training


Excellence in Safeguarding 

The Baptist Union have developed three levels of Excellence in Safeguarding training designed to help the whole church family as well as those with working with adults at risk, children or young people, to understand safeguarding specifically within the church context.

Level 1 provides two videos outlining some key messages for church members and visitors;  one is a family-friendly film designed for use in services with all ages, the other for use in church meetings. There are also accompanying material designed for children of different ages.
The Level 2 training course is designed for all volunteers and workers who work with adults at risk, children or young people to understand safeguarding specifically within the church context. The training should last about three hours and includes.
Level 3 training is for Ministers, Trustees & the Designated person for Safeguarding and all who lead groups with adults at risk, children or young people (level 2 training must also be completed by this group; as level 3 is 'in addition to' level 2, and not, 'instead of'). The level 3 training also lasts about 3 hours. 

Level 2 training must be completed first, before Level 3, as there is information that is covered in Level 2 that is not repeated in Level 3.

Safeguarding training should be renewed every 4 years, to keep in line with updates on legislation and guidance.

Each training session at Level 2 and 3 costs £10 per person, per level. and our current programme of training is listed below.

Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS) training

At regular intervals, our Safeguarding Lead will deliver face-to-face, bespoke, DPS training, at a location within the Association. Details will be circulated, when relevant, to all churches.

Training dates

Sat 17 May 2025 10:00am
open for bookings
Sat 17 May 2025 1:30pm
open for bookings
Sat 14 Jun 2025 10:00am
open for bookings
Sat 14 Jun 2025 1:30pm
open for bookings

To book available spaces on a level 2 or 3 Safeguarding training course, please click here
To contact us about hosting safeguarding training, or to be made aware when there is training available in your area; or you have a general enquiry about safeguarding training, please complete the form below.

Contact form - Safeguarding Training 

Please complete the contact form below for all Safeguarding training enquiries

Email Address:
Contact Number:
What are you contacting us about
please complete the relevant section below

General enquiry about safeguarding training

please enter enquiry here 

Let me know about training in my area

Which level of training are you looking for

Hosting training

Please tick to confirm you have read our Terms & Conditions and requirements to host training  
Which levels of training would you like to be included 
Number of people requiring Level 2 training
Number of people requiring Level 3 training
Do you have any specific dates in mind (please list them)?

Any other information you need us to know (if you have more than 30 people needing training, please include a rough idea of numbers here)