Latest News

News - feature

There is plenty going on and we want to keep you up to date with all our news! Please see the list of articles below to view our recent news. 

Weekly News from the Association  
A weekly news update including information on events, training, vacancies and other resources More ...
News from the Team
A monthly update from different members of the SEBA More ...
News from the Networks
A monthly update from different churches around our Networks More ...
News from our Sector Ministers
A monthly update from Ministers in other pastoral role around the region More ...
News from our Voluntary + Part-Time Chaplains
A monthly update from our volunteer and part-time Chaplains around the region More ...

What's On

what's on

Here are the events coming up in the next few weeks, for a full list please click on the link below. 

To view the full calendar click here

If you have been asked to submit a photo for the News from the Association, and need to complete a photo permission slip, please download them here - group permission slip - individual permission slip
If you would like to sign up to receive our Weekly News, monthly update or weekly Prayer Diary by email, please complete the form below:
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Monthly Update 
Prayer Diary