Resources and Information 


**new** BMS Regional Speakers

BMS World Mission are looking for BMS Regional Speakers (5 positions across the country), to nurture and strengthen relationships with churches and gain new regular supporters, so they can see more communities transformed in Jesus’ name. Please share the details so BMS can find the  best possible spread of speakers across the UK. Regional Speakers Job advert

**new** Torch Trust for the Blind

Introduction to SLFC

Wednesday 11th September at 2pm (45 minutes)
Registration Link -
This session covers a brief overview of what it means to be a sight loss friendly church. There is an interactive element in the form of an informal quiz, personal stories and videos about sight loss and an overview of our services. Come along if you’re thinking of signing up your church or if you’d like to refresh old knowledge.


Thursday 17th October at 2pm (1 hour)
Registration Link -
Meet our expert panel from Torch Trust and ask your questions around welcoming and including blind and partially sighted people in all aspects of your church.  No question is too trivial or inappropriate, we’re all at different stages in our sight loss friendly journey.  As well as asking our experts, churches with experience of inclusion are also welcome to chip in with hints and tips on how they have overcome any challenges.

Additional date for Introduction to SLFC 

Thursday 14th November at 2pm (45 minutes)
Registration Link - 

Sight Loss Sunday - Sunday 13th October

This October we invite you to mark Sight Loss Sunday at your church. Sight Loss Sunday is an opportunity for churches across the UK to put on a sight loss accessible service and to become more aware of ways that services can be adapted to be more sight loss friendly. 

This year Sight Loss Sunday will be taking place on the 13th October. This year’s theme is Walking by Faith. We hope that churches around the UK will join us in celebrating the gifts of people who are blind or partially sighted, and recognising that they have vital roles to play in communities and congregations. With your support, we can reach more churches than ever before with our resources, supporting churches to become more sight loss friendly.  


This year we have released a third set of resources to help your church mark Sight Loss Sunday. We have added these new resources to our website and as with previous years, you may pick and choose the ones which feel relevant to you and your church. The resources include suggested songs, Bible readings, sermon notes and some additional resources. The previous years’ resources are still available to be used, so you also have the option to mix and match, and use elements from any of them. You are welcome to use as many as you would like and we hope you also take some of these ideas into your future services. You can access our resources here: We hope you’ll find the resources inspirational and if you mark Sight Loss Sunday, we’d love to hear from you.

Baptist Union resources

Parish Nursing Ministries UK - Explore Online

Thursday 5 September 2024 (10am - repeated at 7pm)
Discover what parish nursing could offer to your local community by joining on Zoom for a free 1 hour session at 10am or 7pm hosted by Regional Nurse Coordinator Dawn Stephens. Find out what parish nursing is about and how it works.  Just choose a time that is convenient for you then ask for the Zoom link at

Eduction Sunday 2024

What is your church or Churches Together group doing on Sunday 8 September to mark this national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education? Education Sunday is a special Sunday on which churches across England and Wales pray for all those who work in education, and pray for all those who learn. It has been celebrated for over 100 years. Find out more, including resources on this year’s theme, Learning together: education in our community on the CTE website.

Sam Sharpe Project 2024 Annual Lecture

Thursday 4 October 2024, lecture starting at 7.30pm
The Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education (Birming, B15 2QH)

Hosted in partnership with the Centre for Black Theology at The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education in Birmingham, this year's Sam Sharpe Lecture will be delivered by the Revd Dr Carlton Turner - tutor in Contextual Theology and Mission Studies, as well as Deputy Director of Research, at the Queen's Foundation. His theme for the lecture will be: 'Fighting for Freedom, Fighting for Wholeness: Revolutionary Reactions to Colonial Christianity'

There are three ticket types available this year:

  • Lecture with Meal - £10 per person - Caribbean Meal between 6-6.45pm at Queen's Foundation, followed by Lecture at 7.30pm
  • Lecture only - £5 per person - Lecture at 7:30pm
  • Online Lecture - Free - Joining instructions will be sent nearer the time to those who register to join the livestream

A Drinks Reception to which all delegates attending the Lecture are invited will be taking place after the Lecture at 9pm.

Book your place for the Lecture in Birmingham, or online
Space at the Queen's Foundation is limited, so please register now to guarantee your place at the Lecture. Payment is by debit or credit card only and is non-refundable. Please use the same link to register to join online.

Closing date for booking: Sunday 13 October - unless all places are booked before that date.

Thrive Weekend Away

Friday 18-Sunday 20 October 2024
High Leigh Conference Centre (EN11 8SG)

Speakers: Barbara & Bill Carpenter

Thrive exists to encourage networking amongst the spouses of Baptist Ministers in the UK, whatever their stage in ministry. The weekend away will be a time to refresh, restore and renew. For more information, about the weekend away, and about the work of Thrive please visit 

Up and coming events across the region
Jobs and Vacancies
Opportunities to serve in SEBA, our member churches and partner organisations