Ministry and Leadership

As members of the Christian Church, each one of us has a contribution to make in the world in which we live. However some Christians are specifically called by God, set aside and trained as Christian leaders to resource and enable others to minister their local community and place of work. God maybe is calling you to become a Christian leader – a full-time or lay pastor, evangelist or youth specialist. Do remember though that all Christians are called to serve God with the gifts they have been given. We are all, ultimately, in full-time Christian service for God.
This part of the SEBA website will supply you with plenty of information on Baptist Ministry today. The resources available are for those exploring the call to ministry, the process involved in training for ministry, through to those in the early years of ministry and then continuing ministerial development for longer serving minsters.
You will also see that there are other helpful links for church leaders who are Secretaries, Treasurers, Deacons and alike.
Please read the various documents / web-site links that are available, but most of all please feel free at any time to use the Contact Us page should you want to speak to or arrange a meeting with one of our Regional Ministers to discuss anything further.
Retired Ministers | Providing support for ministers who have served faithfully in Baptist churches and other roles and have now retired from full-time ministry
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