Safeguarding requirements for Ministers

All accredited Ministers and Nationally Recognised Pastors must undertake the [BUGB approved] Level 2 & 3 safeguarding training every 4 years, and at least one online module per year in the intervening years.

This requirement will not apply if the minister is serving as a chaplain where role specific safeguarding training is provided, although a Chaplaincy Safeguarding Declaration form need to be completed, available from the Ministries Team. However, if the chaplain also serves as a moderator or part-time minister they will need to undertake Level 2 & 3 [BUGB approved] training as this is relevant to their church context.   
All Accredited Minsters and Nationally Recognised Pastors must have an enhanced disclosure check for both the barred lists for children and adults, in order to be on the appropriate register. The disclosure should be renewed every 5 years by SEBA or a relevant college, or when a new post is taken up if this is sooner. Since ministers are expected to use their home or manse as a safe place, the DBS update service is not suitable for the renewal of a minister’s disclosure. You can find out about the approach we take to renewal here.

Ministers in retirement will not be required to engage in [BUGB approved] safeguarding training unless they are serving in a retirement pastorate or as a moderator, in which case the normal requirements will apply. 

In exceptional cases the Ministerial Recognition Committee panel can determine whether an accredited person needs to undertake safeguarding training for the role they are undertaking.