Becoming part of the Baptist family

The South Eastern Baptist Association (SEBA) is part of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) and supports the mission and ministry of around 150 Baptist churches across Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. We exist to encourage and equip our member churches as they pursue their own distinct vision and calling to the local communities in which they’re based. We welcome applications for membership of the Association from new and existing churches who would like to be part of the Baptist family.
This page describes the journey we will go on with any church that is interested in becoming a member. It is not intended to be proscriptive as we recognise every church and church situation is different and one size does not fit all!
Stage 1 Initial conversation and part 1 application
On receiving an expression of interest from the church, the Regional Minister responsible for the area will make contact; seek to establish a relationship with the church leaders and minister; and introduce them to the local Network Minister.
Initial conversations will include: the reasons for seeking membership of the SEBA/BUGB; experience and understanding of Baptist principles and how these are expressed in the UK context; any existing relationships with other churches and ministers, especially local Baptist churches. This is an opportunity to explore with the church their views on key SEBA/BUGB commitments to equality in ministry and to gender, racial and disability justice.
The principle of walking together in relationship for a period will be explained and if the church members agree to apply for membership, then part 1 of the BUGB application form is submitted to the SEBA Leadership Team. If the church already has a governing document this should be attached, along with annual accounts and a copy of the church safeguarding policy.
Stage 2 Walking together
The aim of this stage in the process is to develop the relationships established in the first stage; to get a better understanding of how the church operates; and to ensure that all the necessary policies and governance procedures are in place. There is no set time for this phase.
During this time the church minister and secretary will be invited to join in SEBA/BUGB events (including the annual Conference), training opportunities and network meetings. The Regional Minister will also continue visiting to meet with leaders or the members, to preach or share worship or other events. For some churches the Regional Minister may have a role in exploring with the membership about Baptist life and principles.
The church’s Governing Document/Covenant Document/Church Rules will be shared with BUGB Specialist Teams and any concerns addressed. Where the church has been in existence for some time it may already be registered as a charity and its Governing Document may require some alterations to reflect Baptist practice. In this case or where a church has no Governing Document, they will be encouraged to adopt the BUGB Approved Governing Document. The SEBA Ministry Team will assist as needed and if registration as a charity is required.
Discussion will take place with the church regarding Home Mission contributions, membership contributions for BUGB and SEBA any other financial obligations/commitments that membership entails.
During this period, the SEBA Ministry Team will also work with the church to implement the current BUGB safeguarding policies; to put the appropriate procedures in place; to provide training as necessary; and to ensure that DBS checks have been carried out for those whose role requires one.
Stage 3 Church formally requests membership
Once the Regional Minister is happy that all the necessary policies and procedures are in place and that the church has a good understanding of what being a member of SEBA/BUGB entails, they will invite them to complete Part 2 of the application form. This includes assent to the BUGB Declaration of Principle and must be agreed by a vote of the church members meeting.
Stage 4 SEBA decision and welcome
The application (along with updated policies and documents as may be appropriate) will be submitted to the SEBA Leadership Team for decision based on the recommendations of the Regional Minister and Network Minister.
If membership is agreed by the Leadership Team, a proposal will be made to the Trustees for ratification and if approved the application will be signed off by the Moderator. On being accepted into membership of the SEBA the church details are passed to BUGB. Normally acceptance of the church into membership of the Association will lead to automatic ratification of BUGB membership.
A letter of welcome/certificate will be presented to the church by the Regional Minister during a regular church gathering, at which the Regional Minister would be happy to preach and the church’s membership celebrated at an appropriate SEBA Event and in the Weekly News.