SEBA's Safeguarding responsibilities 

SEBA has oversight of member churches within its region. Although the Association does not have direct responsibility for safeguarding practice within the churches, it seeks to train, equip and support those with oversight of safeguarding. Every church is expected to have their own Safeguarding Policy and Procedures reflecting the needs of their own congregation. We strongly recommend that this is based on the BUGB Model Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
We are concerned with the welfare and wholeness of each individual within God’s purpose for everyone. We seek to work with our members to provide the best possible safeguarding within our churches. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent neglect and the physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or spiritual abuse of children, young people, and adults at risk. In fulfilling this objective, we:

  • Have an Association Safeguarding Lead with suitable training and experience to support churches with safeguarding matters
  • Have a named Safeguarding Trustee responsible, along with the Association Safeguarding Lead, for promoting safeguarding practice across the life of the Association
  • Promote Excellence in Safeguarding within the churches of the Association
  • Offer support and advice to churches with safeguarding concerns or incidents
  • Have a responsibility to report safeguarding concerns and disclosures also to statutory agencies, when relevant and required
  • Provide Excellence in Safeguarding training (Level 2 and 3) in line with the recommendations of the BUGB 

The Association recognise its responsibilities in safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk associated with it, both directly and by supporting member churches.

We commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safeguarding of all those in our church communities, especially children, young people, and adults at risk. In pursuit of this we commit ourselves to the SEBA Safeguarding Policy and the development of sound procedures to implement our policy well.