Partners in Mission - Guildford
Venue: Guildford Baptist Church, Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BE
Date: Saturday 10 May 2025
Time: 10:00 to 15:30
Refreshments available from 09:30
Please bring your own lunch
Speakers include: Alex Harris, Penny Marsh, Andy Twilley, Joth Hunt
Tickets: £10 each. Book 5 tickets for the price of 4. (need to be on the same booking)
Payment needs to be made when booking.
Payment is non-refundable but places may be reallocated to other members of your church if necessary.
Available seminars
Please indicate your preference on the booking form
Session 1
Let Your Evangelists Be Heard Alex Harris
This seminar will explore what it means to see evangelists & evangelism given an equally full voice in the life of the church - how you identify them, how you support them, the challenges involved, and the benefits to expect - not least as a key way to see new people become Christians.
Partners in Mission Joth Hunt
Having heard the launch of Pioneers in Mission, this seminar is an opportunity to go deeper about the values and guiding principles and the processes of how this might work for your church. If you want to partner with Jesus and others in His mission this seminar is for you. The seminar will include opportunities to ask questions.
How to become a mission shaped church Andy Twilley
How can we ensure we fulfil our God given mandate to be the “church” God has designed us to be? Every generation must ask this question, then, led by the Spirit, we create relevant mission statements, discern God’s vision then prayerfully discern a clear pathway of implementation. This seminar will help address these core principles of effective church life.
How do I find and develop a team for youth and children’s ministry? Alex Drew
We all need a team of volunteers to help make youth and children's ministry happen in our church. Yet often finding them is the most difficult part of running anything. Alex Drew from Youthscape will unpack what a strategy for gathering your team might look like, what goes into a good ‘ask’ and how to develop your team so that you retain them.
Session 2
Partners in Mission Joth Hunt
Having heard the launch of Pioneers in Mission, this seminar is an opportunity to go deeper about the values and guiding principles and the processes of how this might work for your church. If you want to partner with Jesus and others in His mission this seminar is for you. The seminar will include opportunities to ask questions.
Becoming a mission shaped follower of Jesus Andy Twilley
Many Christians struggle with expressing their faith. Most know that it is an important part of being a follower of Jesus, yet how to do it relevantly and naturally becomes a major barrier. This seminar will explore the range of ways we can do this, with easy steps to start making a difference wherever God takes us.
How Alpha can revitalise evangelism in your church Karen Case-Green
At Millmead, we used to have a handful of people in the church who were seen as 'the evangelists' and who did most of the work, with limited fruit. We now have a church where everyone plays a part in the church’s evangelism and are encouraged by regularly seeing people come to faith and start a journey of discipleship. What changed? Alpha.
This seminar will look at how to run Alpha in your context. It will give you practical tools and deal with common concerns. We will also explore how Alpha can change the culture of your church through its values of invitation, hospitality and its reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Mission To New Housing Developments Penny Marsh
With so many new homes being built across the South East, we explore how we can respond to these new neighbourhoods with God’s love? This seminar will be fun, interactive and offer tools and ideas for mission into the new housing areas on your doorstep.